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Food Security & Livelihoods
Food Security and Livelihoods
Our aim is to promote food autonomy among the most vulnerable population groups, thus guaranteeing their food security in the short, medium and long term. We adopt an all-round approach in all our activities in order to deal with the underlying and long-term causes of hunger and malnutrition. For this reason, we coordinate food security activities with those that deal with nutrition, water and sanitation and health.
The integration of the different technical fields begins with the analysis and continues throughout each project’s periods of execution and evaluation.
Specifically, our food security and livelihood project are designed to: –
- Promote high-yield and sustainable agriculture technologies.
- Build resilience to climate change through the promotion of climate-resilient crop varieties and adaptive technologies.
- Provide technical knowledge on diversified fish culture practices to maximize production.
Promotion of social enterprise approach to empower communities
Strategies used include building the capacity to initiate and manage enterprises and extending soft loans or revolving funds to help the poor access alternative resources. This initiative is based on the need to support economic empowerment for women, youth, minority groups and rural communities caught in poverty traps who have missed out on formal education and who have been the targets of destabilizing forces, the disabled and also those living on the socio fringes and have little or no avenues to improve their livelihoods.
One such program CPD is implementing is the Economic Development and livelihoods project in Dhusamareeb which is being implemented in partnership with the Somalia Stability Fund and the government. The project intends to creative opportunities and impetus that will add value to the lives of beneficiary communities.